The PSSD Project seeks to develop the quality seed market and establish sustainable seed production and marketing in Burundi.
The overall objective of the project is to ensure the availability and use of high quality seeds through the establishment of a commercially reliable and autonomous seed sector. The project's target crops are corn, beans and potatoes. These are staple crops that are easily accessible to small producers. These crops were chosen on the basis of a certain number of criteria, including:
→ Lack of acceptable quality seeds ;
→ The relative importance of quality seeds to obtain a good yield ;
→ L’importance de ces cultures pour la sécurité alimentaire, la nutrition, l’apport de revenu pour les ménages ;
→ L’importance de ces cultures dans l’économie nationale.
Project activities aim to develop national seed businesses and create a favorable environment to offer services likely to create better conditions of access to quality seeds for small producers.
The core of the project remains the development of a dynamic and sustainable seed industry led by the private sector, with particular emphasis on industrialization and ensuring the continued development of a business-friendly environment.
Achieving this objective requires making seed companies more professional so that they can take charge of seed production and marketing activities (promotion, sales, distribution).
The PSSD project further aims to train additional smallholder farmers in good agricultural practices through private sector-led extension and to support the private sector in setting up demonstration fields.